Thursday, August 27, 2020
Dtatbase Systems Information Database Dependency
Question: Talk about the Dtatbase Systems Information for Database Dependency. Answer: Reliance chart Figure 1: Dependency Diagram (Source: Created by creator) Decayed arrangement of 3NF relations Figure 2: Decomposed set of 3NF relations (Source: Created by Author) Social Schema Figure 3: Relational Schema (Source: Created by Author) Catalog Clifford, P., Robinson, M. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 20,160,070,751. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Jahn, M., Schill, E., Breunig, M. (2013). Towards a 4D database administration framework for geothermal tasks: a case of the water driven information of Soultz. InSecond European Geothermal Workshop. Krishnamurthy, S., Thombre, N., Conway, N., Li, W. H., Hoyer, M. (2014).U.S. Patent No. 8,745,070. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hrle, N., Martin, D., Mohan, C., Spyker, J. D., Yao, Y. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 20,160,110,439. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Coronel, C., Morris, S. (2016).Database frameworks: plan, usage, the board. Cengage Learning. Bester, K., Chandler, A. T., Shewell, M. A., Yates, S. J. (2013).U.S. Patent Application No. 13/843,446.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Theory - Assignment Example ey contend utilizing stock inquiry, In the event that everything has a reason, at that point what caused about God?†To suggest that God require not have a reason, and afterward it infers the universe didn't have a reason. Maybe, the people who can't help contradicting the inquiry and suggestion, it is simply the universe or the event that rose it, that is the uncaused reason (Solomon and Martin 90). There are various outlines of rationalists who are against the misrepresentation First Cause dispute. They fuse Graham Priest, Steven Hales, Bertrand Russell, Nigel Warburton, Robin Le Poidevin, Simon Blackburn, Jenny Teichman, Michael Martin, and Katherine Evans. Solomon and Martin offers a couple of further examples from theory books, including Russells book Why I Am Not a Christian as the source from which various authors understood the exaggeration that was replied by the stock. Solomon and Martin accept that David Hume through his book the Dialogs Concerning Natural Religion dishonors the stock straw man’s First Cause conflict; he was among the primary phenomenal writers to do in that capacity. Solomon and Martin propose that it is pleasant without qualifying the standard Each being has a cause,†any negation this, if nothing else, should energize doubts among the devotees concerning the guideline or practice. Pundits routinely ruin the misrepresentation without alluding to any person who has ever shielded it. For instance, Le Poidevin yielded that no one has really guarded it, after insincerely condemning defender or the promoters for the First Cause dispute of disaffirming themselves by denying that God has a reason. Solomon and Martin note that Aquinas unequivocally denied that everything had a reason. Aquinas said that to be brought about by a substitute or another, doesn't have any significant bearing to a being because of the fact that the being; for the most part, every being would be brought about by another, so we should need to push forward to vastness in causes - impossibility†. Aquinas accepts that it is
Friday, August 21, 2020
New Bill Aims to Reduce the Need for Payday Loans - OppLoans
New Bill Aims to Reduce the Need for Payday Loans - OppLoans New Bill Aims to Reduce the Need for Payday LoansInside Subprime: April 18, 2019By Lindsey FrankelSenate Democrats have proposed a new bill that would create a child allowance while increasing the amount of the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income families and childless adults. In addition, the Child Tax Credit would be available as a monthly payment, and families could take out up to a $500 advance on the EITC, an option intended to prevent low-income individuals from taking on risky debt from payday loans.According to estimates from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the legislation would increase the incomes of 46 million households, lifting 7 million people, including 3 million children, out of poverty. The child poverty rate would decrease by 28 percent.The Working Families Tax Relief Act was designed to reach a compromise, providing a smaller degree of expansion than previous proposals, and 44 out of the 47 Senate Democrats have signed the bill. Should Democrats tak e control of the Senate and the presidency again, the bill is set up to pass without difficulty, Vox reports.One of the reasons the current Child Tax Credit has been unsuccessful at reducing child poverty is that, because of a complex restriction, families with little to no income are precluded from obtaining the receivable $1,400. The Working Families Tax Relief Act would make the full $2,000 credit available to anyone below the phaseout range. An additional $1,000 would also be receivable for each child under the age of 6. That means up to $3,000 per young child would be available to parents either as a monthly payment or through tax returns.Low-income adults without children would also benefit from the Act. Currently, a maximum EITC of $529 is available for adults ages 25 to 65. The Act would expand the age range from 19 to 67 and quadruple the maximum benefit to $2,074. For families with the kids, the maximum value of the EITC would be even greater.Because the EITC is currently only available as a tax refund, many families use it to pay off debt, often from high-interest payday loan profiders, leaving less of the much-needed cash in their pockets. The new legislation would give families the option of taking out a $500 advance on the EITC, The idea was initially proposed in a 2014 paper for the Center for American Progress. Its authors stated: “Since the value of the typical payday loan is about $375, this amount would be sufficient to prevent many instances of predatory lending â€" and thus preclude the high costs and cycles of debt associated with such lending practices.â€The debt tap from payday loans occurs when borrowers can’t pay back these costly loans on time and are forced to reborrow. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found that about 80 percent of payday loans get renewed or rolled over.Not only would the bill reduce the rate of child poverty, but there’s even evidence that providing cash to families raising young children leads to higher earnings for those children as adults, which in turn strengthens the economy. A randomized trial conducted in New York City also found that a higher EITC for singles would decrease deep poverty and even increase employment rates.As Neera Tanden, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress, said in a statement, “This is what tax reform that actually benefits the American people looks like.†She added that “expanding the EITC and the CTC would dramatically reduce poverty while helping millions of families weather the squeeze between flat wages and the rising costs associated with reaching and staying in the middle class.â€Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances, and check out our city and state financial guides, including Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, and more.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
Adoption Is Very Popular Throughout The United States
Adoption is very popular throughout the United States. Most women can’t conceive or maintain a pregnancy, so if they really want a child, they’re forced to adopt. Infertility has increased dramatically throughout the past few years. Couple of issues have encouraged such discussion as has the theme of premature birth. Infertility specialists, Dr. Brian Cohen from Dallas, Texas said â€Å"from an international point of view the American woman is the most dynamic, most accomplished in the world. She also shows the highest incidence of postponing childbearing and problems associated with infertility. We pay a price for waiting. Over three million American couples and single women who really want a baby, but can’t, have to adopt. 96 percent of single mothers in the United States kept their baby. Most people turn to adoption to try and start a family. Agencies, the type of adoption I’m familiar with is regular Adoption Agency. Which there are hundreds out there. Adoptive parents with the opportunity to support a white child isn’t always easy. One reasoning is because the agency only has about thirty healthy children ready for placement. Children who are either mentally, physically, or emotionally handicapped, or African American have spent most of their lives in a foster home. Ev en though they deserve a name just like every child, most people only want healthy white children. Adoptive centers try and place the kids up for adoption where they have the same ethnic backgrounds. TheShow MoreRelatedCultural Globalization and Westernization698 Words  | 3 Pagesdifferent ideas, meanings, and values throughout the world, globally. International travel, television, music, the Internet and many different popular cultures influence it. Globalization has been questioned whether or not it actually leans towards the Western culture, or if it occurs due to western influences. According to the Global Policy Forum (2005), the spread of values, norms, and culture tends to promote Western capitalism. Westernization is the adoption of western traditions or techniquesRead MoreIt in Costa Rica1036 Words  | 5 Pageshigh-tech corporations maintain offices or branches in Costa Rica including IBM, Oracle, Dell, Apple, Compaq, Cisco, and others. Literacy (nearly 95%), Engl ish language and computer usage are the highest in Latin America. Costa Rica has the highest United Nations Human Development Index among all developing countries. With the abolishment of the army in 1948, the government has been able to give high priority to the welfare of its people. Costa Rica s democratic tradition and physical stability hasRead MoreProspective Parents Should Have A License1536 Words  | 7 Pagesmeeting the expectations, the traits, or showing you have the ability to perform the duty to it s best grade, you won t be getting the opportunity which happens more often than not. Driving requires a license, certain careers require degrees, adoptions require extensive background checks, and certified babysitting websites require background checks and an educational background. Peg Tittle writes, We already license pilots, salesmen, scuba divers, plumbers, electricians, teachers, veterinariansRead MoreSwing Vote1399 Words  | 6 Pagesa story of an election that takes place in New Mexico. The main character Bud Johnson who is played by Kevin Costner, is a middle aged deadbeat single father with no ambitious goals that faces one of the strangest dilemmas ever to occur in the United States. He alone is faced with the decision of the next president. He has the complete power to pick whichever candidate he likes best. He has a twelve year old daughter named Molly who practically runs his life and is completely gifted intellectuallyRead MoreCoca Cola s Social Media Strategy Essay1459 Words  | 6 PagesCoca-Colonization is the spreading of American culture th rough popular products, especially the soft beverage Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is an example of a cultural item that is repeatedly displayed in American television shows, movies, and other forms of media that are viewed throughout the world. For example, according to Kevin Shively, author of â€Å"Lessons from Coca-Cola’s Social Media Strategy: Cohesive Campaigns and Creative Content†on, â€Å"Interbrand ranks them as the third largestRead MoreAdoption Is Not An Expensive Process1702 Words  | 7 Pagesmatter what they are wanted. Adoption is one of the ways couples can have children, through the adoption process, couples can rescue a child from a life in the child welfare system, giving them a family and a hope of a better life, even through the contentious issue of interracial adoptions. Adoption Process The first step is figuring out if the parent really wants to adopt, weighing the pros and cons and deciding if they want to pursue it. Contrary to popular belief, adopting is not an expensiveRead MoreEssay Reproductive Techniques: In Vitro Fertilization1197 Words  | 5 Pagesof the surrogate mother and why seeking parents don’t rely on adoption to help children who are already born? In this research paper I will try to analyze the legal, social and ethical aspects of surrogacy controversy. Technically speaking, technological advances such as in vitro fertilization, gamete intra-fallopian transfer, egg retrieval, and specifically gestational surrogacy, in which the contracting couples egg and sperm are united in-vitro and implanted into the surrogates womb, have now madeRead MoreAbortion Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesAbortion, one of the most controversial issues in the United States today, should remain legal because it helps to regulate population levels, keep unwanted children from being born, neglected, beaten or abandoned and in some cases it can also reduce divorce rates. Abortions can be practical for potential parents who do not have the money, time or experience to raise a child at this point in time in their life (especially teenagers). Women who have been raped also may have an abortion because sheRead MoreThe Threat Of Nuclear Energy Essay1468 Words  | 6 PagesThere is often speculation surrounding Nuclear Energy. There were reports that the British applied to the United States for permission to carry out their first atomic bomb in the flats of Nevada. These reports were met with much speculation due to the physical size and observable flaws in the British program. Many countries pursue Nuclear energy for weaponry or other status symbols. When Nuclear Energy is harnessed it can have a significant effect. Developments in Nuclear energy have had a greatRead MoreThe Nuclear Energy Advantage Of The United States1571 Words  | 7 PagesThe Nuclear Energy Advantage There is often speculation surrounding Nuclear energy. There were reports that the British applied to the United States for permission to carry out their first atomic bomb in the flats of Nevada. These reports were met with much speculation due to the physical size and observable flaws in the British program . This highlights an important problem with Nuclear energy production. Many countries pursue Nuclear energy for weaponry or other status symbols. When Nuclear Energy
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Identification Theft And Identity Theft - 1461 Words
Identity theft is basically using someone’s personal information without their prior knowledge. One example: is a thief getting ahold of another’s person’s social security and driver’s license numbers and using that information to get a credit card or to buy a car. Anyone can become a victim of this crime because of the sheer countless ways for a person to steal another’s identity. Every state has different requirements for a crime to constitute as identity theft. â€Å"For example: In Wisconsin: Identity theft is defined as â€Å"Unauthorized use of an individual’s personal identifying information or documents, â€Å"require that a person’s identifying information or personal identification document be used without the person’s consent to obtain money, credit, goods, services, employment and anything in general of value,†(Knetzger, Muraski, 2009). In other wards, identity-theft is simply the theft and use of personal or identifying information for your own agenda without the consent of the owner of said information. In July of 2014: A Missouri man by the name of â€Å"Terry Lee Morrow Jr,†was convicted of stealing the identities of his customers who frequented his car dealership. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for his crimes in which have been labeled as the largest identity theft case in â€Å"Missouri.†Mr. Morrow operated â€Å"Edge Auto Sales,†and he would use the information he acquired from people who bought his car’s as well as those who simply applied forShow MoreRelatedIdentification Theft And Identity Theft947 Words  | 4 PagesOur identity is what makes us unique. It is the individual character or personality of an individual, and when a person is a victim of identity theft, it is this distinct characteristic that is stolen Therefore the victims of identity theft often feel a deep sense of violation as they struggle to reclaim their go od names. The government must implement better regulations to help put an end to this crime which is affecting millions of innocent Americans. Until then there are three important waysRead MoreIdentity Theft And Its Impact On The State Of Florida1276 Words  | 6 PagesIdentity theft is a negative issue in the entire United States, but the state of Florida is where it is most common and where there is the most cases. Due to Florida having the most identity theft complaints, it is important to question just how vulnerable the state is to this form of fraud. However, it is evident that Florida needs to find more efficient ways to limit identity theft drastically, since it has led the nation in identity theft for the past three years. This paper will examine the stepsRead MoreIdentity Theft and Fraud: A Major Threat to the Australian Community1442 Words  | 6 PagesIdentity theft/fraud is becoming a major threat to the Australian community as technology advances. This section of crime produces substantial profits for offenders and causes considerable financial and emotions harm to the victims (Australian federal police, 2014). With this increasing alarm around identity theft/fraud in Australia, there has to be strong legal actions available to counteract the issue. Identity theft/fraud can be defined as a crime of obtaining the personal or financial informationRead MoreThe Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act1823 Words  | 7 PagesInternet identity theft is a serious danger in our world today, victims of this crime have had their lives ruined and in some cases have ended up in jail because of crimes committed by an identity thief. Internet identity theft is â€Å"the criminal act of fraudulently obtaining the personal information belonging to another individual within the realm of a computer or electronic setting.†(1) Throughout the past several years there have been several laws passed to combat and keep up with this ever evolvingRead M oreIdentity Theft Is Not Had A Clear Definition826 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Identity theft has not had a clear definition. The unclear definition is due to the complexity of the facts regarding identity theft. Identity theft, also known as ‘the crime of the new millennium’ or white color theft has come to the public eyes due to the impacts of the act (Craats, 2005). Identity theft occurs when a person misappropriates another person’s information and uses it with the intention of gaining some particular advantages. In this case, a person means not only a humanRead MoreIdentity Theft Prevention And Protection1733 Words  | 7 Pages  ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ Section 10.9 Identity Theft Prevention and Protection The constant evolution of technology has led to the expansion of a crime that feeds on the inability of consumers to control who has access to sensitive information and how it is safeguarded. That crime is identity theft. Identity theft causes financial damage to consumers, creditors, retail establishments, and the economy as a whole. The Identity Theft Policy of NFBS is designed to reasonably detect red flags, respond to red flagsRead MoreIdentity Theft As An Offence1200 Words  | 5 PagesIdentity Theft as an offence: Model criminal law officers’ committee formulated a report on identity crime. Using the term identity crime, they included all the commencements which relate to identity theft and identity fraud. The committee recommended the creation of the following crime model offences: 1. Dealing in identification of information 2. The holding of identification information with the intent of committing, or facilitating the directive of, an indictable offence. 3. Possession of equipmentRead MoreA Case And Electronic Crime Scene1324 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Schmalleger (2011), identity theft is defined as misusing another person’s personal information for personal gain (p. 382). This can involve a person opening credit cards or accounts in another person’s name (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 382). Considering the nature of identity theft crimes, investigators must rely on electronic crime scenes (Lushbaugh Weston, 2012, p. 248). Therefore, investigators must know how to initiate, conduct and execute an identity theft investigation. This essay willRead MoreThe Role Of Online Health Records855 Words  | 4 PagesIdentity Theft â€Å"Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.†- The Incredibles Technology in today’s world is forever changing providing individual’s with freedoms they were not able to take advantage of prior to advancements. This can offer many advantages to the average American. The use of online health records is a prime example. Many hospitals are providing online access to a patient’s medical records to provide faster results and quicker response time. Those who receiveRead MoreIdentity Theift Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesIdentity theft is a term used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use, your personal data  ¬ especially your Social Security number, your bank account or credit card number, your telephone calling card number, and other valuable identifying data  ¬ can be used
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Plastic Surgery - 1709 Words
Plastic Surgery: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly More than ever, millions of young adolescents are seeking out plastic surgery because the influence of the media. Teenagers are finding more imperfections with their body and are less and less satisfied with their appearance. President Scott Spear, MD, chief of plastic surgery says, Theres a common belief among the public that a large percentage of young adults and teens are having cosmetic surgery (Obesity, Fitness Wellness Week). Despite the low percentage, young adults are considering getting face-lifts, breast implants, nose jobs, and liposuction. Advancements in technology have made it possible to receive these kinds of cosmetic procedures. Studies have shown that the†¦show more content†¦After the surgery, she liked the results so much that she decided to have her neck and stomach done, too (Shute 53). Bradshaw stated, Im not trying to look gorgeous, Im just trying to get rid of the things that are hanging (Shute 54). Bradshaw became addicted to cosmetic surgery and even borrowed twenty thousand dollars from the bank. Bradshaw says, I never thought much about plastic surgery before, but it is amazing how many people are doing it now (Shute 54). It is astonishing that Americans are in a hurry to get plastic surgery. With more and more people wanting plastic surgery, there are still many risks to consider. Rod Rohrich, a plastic surgeon states, The public is being lulled into the sense that there are no real risks or complications. Were already seeing the impact. I have patients saying they want all these things done in one operation, and you cant safely do it. Its not like buying groceries or shoes. You can take those back. You cant take your face back (Shute 54). Even though the media does not always show the negative aspects of plastic surgery, it does not mean it is not out there. Plastic surgery has killed a few people, for instance, on May 14 2004, the state of New York fined Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital twenty thousand dollars for egregious violations in safety procedures that led to the death of two women following plastic surgery, including Olivia Goldsmith, authorShow MoreRelatedPlastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery1496 Words  | 6 PagesPlastic surgery has become an extremely popular trend throughout the past years of the American culture. There are many reasons why people get plastic surgery, however, our society is the first to judge an individual for getting a procedure done. The controversy regarding plastic surgery is extremely relevant and has received major attention through celebrities, television, and social media. However, many individuals are unaware that there is a difference between both plastic surgery and cosmeticRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Plastic Surgery1836 Words  | 8 PagesNorfolk, Va.†(Goleman, 1991). I know many of you have heard of cosmetic surgery, also known as â€Å"plastic surgery†. Many people have considered cosmetic surgery in order to feel better about their self. This topic really interested me because I know there are many different viewpoints on it. What I wanted to focus on most is how the media portrays cosmetic surgery, how they portray women, the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery, the cost, and ways that we can get more people to be comfortable in theirRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Plastic Surgery2001 Words  | 9 Pages In most sources about cosmetic surgery, they explain the good or bad about it and also give examples of people that have gone through cosmetic surgery. For most people that go through cosmetic surgery, it takes around 6 months for the swelling to go down and for most of the scars to heal and begin to go away. The majority of people that have an opinion of cosmetic surgery, think that it’s the worst part of the new society and feels li ke the people that get the procedure done are weak and are easilyRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1296 Words  | 6 PagesWhen you hear the phrase â€Å"Plastic Surgery†what comes to mind? Maybe dangerous, and risky, or do you think about the scalpel and all the cutting and all the blood? I myself think about how it’s only for rich celebrities who have a couple extra hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend. We have a bad habit of overlooking all the good things that plastic surgery can achieve. From life altering surgeries and saving lives, by highly qualified surgeons, to giving people more confidence and getting ridRead MoreIs Plastic Surgery Worth It?638 Words  | 3 Pagesour children that Hey! Its ok to not love who you are, You should change to meet everyone elses standards.†Plastic Surgery gives Children a false sense of self image in society. When you think of plastic surgery, what do you think of first? Im sure it isnt the risk involved with the procedure that will undergo to become a â€Å"new you†No one ever thinks of the true risk of plastic surgery, or even the cost of undergoing the procedures. For Breast implants, Face lifts, Mastopexy, Breast reductionRead MoreThe Image Of Plastic Surgery Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pageshave lasting effects on millions of Americans who are unhappy with their body image. Plastic surgery has become common amongst middle class women, and a rapid increase in male plastic surgery has been noted in recent years. Constant exposure to the â€Å"perfect†body image in the media puts harm in the very idea that the human body comes in all shapes and sizes. Despite the temptations of a perfect body and plastic surgery to fix imperfections, it is completely possible to maintain a positive sense of selfRead MorePlastic Surgery : Cosmetic And Cosmetic Surgery879 Words  | 4 PagesI) Definition Cosmetic and plastic surgery According to the merriam-Webster website, plastic surgery is another common word for Cosmetic Surgery which means, in general, a type of operation to improve parts of the body. The medical term of Plastic Surgery comes from Greek in 1638. Cosmetic is a type of ornamental surgery which helps patients to reform and rebuild part or demonstrative of their body in order to embellish their appearance and be beautiful. The defect for that could be congenitalRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1788 Words  | 8 Pagesare paying thousands of dollars to have plastic surgery done to enhance this unreal beauty. Sadly, reality is that beauty is now seen as having the bigger breast, the perfect smile, zero body fat, and the perfectly chiseled nose. More and more people are turning to plastic surgery as a way to make them happy about their appearances and boost their self-esteem in a quick and easy process. But reality is, plastic surgery has major side effects. Plastic surgery causes more physical an d emotional damageRead MoreTeen Plastic Surgery2711 Words  | 11 PagesTeen Plastic Surgery Cosmetic plastic surgery has been increasing rapidly in the medical field, and making its way to the top of the beauty spectrum when it comes to what is important. Teenagers, especially adolescent girls, have been exploring the new ways to enhance their external appearance, and not with just lipstick and eye shadow. In the past three decades, surgeons, magazine editors, and book authors have been investigating the consequences, good and bad, of having cosmetic surgery at suchRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Plastic Surgery And Teenagers2046 Words  | 9 PagesAccording to â€Å"Plastic Surgery Teenagers†, â€Å"teenagers who want to have plastic surgery usually have different motivations and goals than adults†(â€Å"Plastic Surgery For Teenagers Briefing Paper†). Thus, meaning that most young adults get cosmetic surgery, which is the reshaping of body parts to improve their physical characteristics. However, changing your physical appearance just because you wan t to or do not feel pretty enough should not be the case of spending all that money and time on a non-matured
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Feets stardom free essay sample
Twenty Feet to Stardom The film Twenty Feet to Stardom discussed about women with great voices morning as backup singers. Backup singers may not seem as important to many people but in reality this women were very important to the actual songs. These artists like Darlene Love, Merry Clayton, Claudia Leaner and share their story of how sacrificing and rewarding their careers were. Even though they were shadows of many legends, they still carry a pride and satisfaction with what they did. These Omen carry a lot of history; they started in the ass when colored women started to come backup singers.They were popular due to the fact that they brought emotion and soul with their voice. As a woman they had to work hard and be like a chameleon Math their voice. Every song was different; they had to work with different demands that were being asked. Yet, they were great with that they did because of the passion they had about singing. We will write a custom essay sample on Feets stardom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These women were dedicated and proud with what they did even though they did not get much credit. Even though they are not well known they Nor with great celebrities like the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Ray Charles, and many more that were seeking for great voices. These women were very important for the artist that was seeking them to work with as backup singers. Few were able to become singers but not many were successful, one great singer was Darlene Love she was famous in her time and she went on to become an actress. These women come from what people call old school, but, they are still popular. In the presentation three wonderful ladies name Charlotte Crossly, Dry. Mabel John, Claudia Leaner spoke a bit about their careers, but they motivated Met. Sac students to follow their dreams and not give up. They mentioned that all of them began as dreamers and worked hard to develop their careers.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Julius Ceaser Essay Brutus Character Analysis Marcus Brutus Essays
Julius Ceaser Essay: Brutus Character Analysis Marcus Brutus Julius Ceaser Essay: Brutus Character Analysis Marcus Brutus William Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The character who was in charge of the assassination was, ironically, Marcus Brutus, a servant and close friend to Julius Caesar. But what would cause a person to kill a close friend? After examining Brutus' relationship to Caesar, his involvement in the conspiracy, and his importance to the plot, the truth can be revealed. Marcus Brutus, a servant and close friend to Caesar, has a strong relationship with Caesar but a stronger relationship with Rome and its people. Brutus is very close to Caesar. In Roman times, the only way for someone to get close to a person of high rank is if he/she is close to him/her. In many points of the play, Brutus was talking and next to Caesar. Brutus also loves Caesar but fears his power. In the early acts of the play, Brutus says to Cassius, "What means this shouting? I do fear the people do choose Caesar for their king...yet I love him well."(act 1, scene 2, ll.85-89), as he is speaking to Cassius. Brutus loves Caesar, but would not allow him to "climber-upward...He then unto the ladder turns his back..."(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar's death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome..."(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its people more. This is the only reason Brutus would conspire against Caesar. For Brutus says to himself, "I know no personal cause to spurn at him...How that might change his nature..."(act 2, scene1, ll. 1,13) Caesar's relationship with Brutus is also strong. Just allowing Brutus to speak to Caesar shows his respect for Brutus. Caesar feels that Brutus is noble to him and does the right thing regardless of personal danger. On the Ides of March, as Caesar was assassinated, Caesar's last line is: "Et tu, Brute?--Then fall, Caesar."(act 3, scene 1, l.85). This shows that Caesar would not die without Brutus' stab. Caesar realizes that there must be a noble reason for this assassination if Brutus was in it. This again shows how much Caesar respects Brutus. Brutus and Caesar both respect each other, but in different ways. Marcus Brutus had a very important role in the conspiracy against Caesar. He was the "back-bone" of the plan. According to Cassius, Brutus' main purpose in the conspiracy is for an insurance policy. The people will think, since Brutus is noble to Caesar, that there is a good reason for Caesar's assassination. Brutus will also be the leader of the conspiracy for another "insurance policy" for the assassination. Cassius is the one who declares this, "Brutus shall lead the way, and we will grace his heels with the most boldest and best hearts of Rome. "(act 3, scene 1, ll.135-136). Again, if Brutus leads the way, the people will think that the death of Julius Caesar wasn't such a bad thing. Brutus also declares to himself that his role in the conspiracy is to save Rome. He says to the people that, "If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."(Act 3,scene 2,ll.21-24). If Brutus was not in the plot of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the conspiracy would probably not have worked. Since Brutus "...loved Rome more."(Act 3,scene2, ll.23-24), he decided to be a part of the conspiracy. If he hadn't loved Rome more than Caesar, he would not have joined in the assassination of Julius Caesar. Cassius and the rest of the conspirators would probably not have continued on without Brutus because they would have no "insurance" afterwards. The people would think that there was no reason for Caesar's death and most likely beheaded all the conspirators. Also, if Brutus was not in the play, the whole end of the play would not ever occur. Brutus would not be there to have an army or kill himself, and Cassius will already be beheaded. If Brutus was not in the play, the title would have absolutely no
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Shakespeares Female Characters Essays
Shakespeares Female Characters Essays Shakespeares Female Characters Paper Shakespeares Female Characters Paper Essay Topic: The Taming Of the Shrew Come, you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsexes me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! demanded one of them furiously (Shakespeare 853). If I be waspish, best beware my sting, sneered the other (Shakespeare 333). Although they emerged nearly five centuries ago, the women who said these lines are undeniably two of Shakespearean most famous female characters. Lady Macbeth and Katherine are still known today as conspicuous figures in Shakespearean plays. The first stands out as a strong, manipulative, cunning woman; so ambitious to achieve her goal that she even becomes fear-provoking (Corning). The latter is prominent for her temper and feral exhibitions of rage. She is repulsed by mens attitudes toward her and repeatedly spits degrading Insults at them in fury. She Is revolted at the Idea of having to comply with her fathers wish of her wedding one of her wooers. Considering the time period Shakespeare lived in, one can conclude that the female characters in his plays behaved ways that was came as a shock to such a patriarchal society (Shakespearean unruly Women). Shakespeare portrayed them in roles that, for his era, were reserved strictly for men. Women of this era were not the strong, powerful, intelligent females we see in Macbeth, nor were they the Like the Ironic Katherine, who we meet In Taming of the Shrew, who even dares to strike Petroleum upon being angered by his Insolence. Females were not at all thus; they were creatures raised to believe themselves inferiors to men (Elizabethan Women). However, despite all this criticism, Shakespeare portrayed his female characters in a way that they transcended the pre-established constraints of his time. This portrayal of women is due to the Elizabethan periods influence. By having an unmarried woman as a monarch, he was inclined towards writing plays that pleased her. In order to understand Shakespearean representation of women, it Is necessary to take Into account the era he lived In. One must consider the roles and expectations for women in his society. As mentioned above, Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan period. Queen Elizabeth Tudor I assumed the throne as an unmarried woman and remained unmarried throughout her entire life (Thomas). Her reign brought innovative ideas about women to England. Even though they could not attend universities, some upper class females were able to receive a basic education. Some were even taught to speak different languages, play Instruments, and dance (Elizabethan Women). However, the Elizabethan era is rather paradoxical. The irony of it lies in the fact that despite having a single woman as a monarch, the situation for women in society, particularly for single women, did not improve significantly. Women were expected to be the stereotypical stay-at-home mothers that they had always been. The unmarried women of the Elizabethan society minded Limited to certain roles. At a certain point, women had two alternatives; marriage or Tie at a nunnery. However, rater monasteries were terminate, ten only option left for them was marriage; household service (The Role of Unmarried Women ). When Shakespeare was hired by an acting company called Lord Chamberlains Men, he first came into close contact with the queen (Finely). Queen Elizabeth was a frequent spectator of the companys plays. Shakespeare was faced with a slight dilemma. He had to write plays to please both an unmarried monarch, and a patriarchal society (Richardson). As a result, Shakespearean female characters turned out as something untraditional, yet by some degree, still the typical females of his era (Racking 67). Shakespearean female characters did depend on the male characters on some level (Corning). They depended on either on their fathers when they were young or on their husbands later on in life. An example of this can be observed in Othello, in the first act when Desman says that she owes her life, her up-bringing, and education to her father. Later on in the same act, Othello believes he will be away from her for some time. He requests that the duke provides her with accommodations and a monetary allowance in his absence (Shakespeare 827). Obviously, this implies that Desman would not be able to fend for herself while Othello is away. This accurately reflects the situation for women in the Elizabethan society. Desman depended first on her father, and then on Othello for money, food, and shelter. Even by going to early productions, the gender stereotypes for women could be observed. In early productions, the roles of the female characters were played by young men or boys whose voices hadnt changed. Having a female actress was regarded as something highly inappropriate and unnecessary. It was not a role for women (Duisenberg 7). Consequently, until the year 1660 there were no female actresses on stage (Thomas). Yet even though they did not appear on stage, Shakespearean female characters held surprisingly dominant roles (Milliard). To support this proposal, two of Shakespearean most prominent female characters will be analyzed. Different aspects of their behavior will be evaluated. The more powerful aspects as well as their weaker aspects will serve as evidence to support the proposal that Shakespearean female characters held dominant roles yet while on some level, till being characteristic of the Elizabethan era. Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespearean most prominent creations. Put simply, Lady Macbeth is full of evil. She is a ferocious, brutal, cold-blooded character from the moment she is introduced in the play. She pressures her husband into committing regicide as though it were something casual. It is she who drugs the kings companions and prepares the weapons for the murder. When her husband vacillates about killing the king, she manipulates him into following through by questioning his manhood. Finally, he gives in and murders the king. After committing the crime, she orders him to go back. When he refuses to do so, it is she who goes in herself and wipes the bloody weapons on the unconscious attendants to frame them. For anyone who has read the play, it is undeniable that Lady Machetes character is particularly eccentric. Yet in certain ways, she is contradictory. Certainly, it is true that Lady Macbeth is a dominant female. Nevertheless at a particular point in the story, her strength begins to degrade. Lady Macbeth constantly acknowledges a connection between masculinity and ambition. This particular play has quite a few references to gender territories. This is exemplified when Lady Macbeth cries for the spirits to unsexes near (snappers B By using ten word unsexes, seen acknowledges ten link TN she believes exists between femininity and weakness and cowardice. She wishes to be unsexes so that her influence would have an effect on her husband. A feminine character could not carry out an act that required such wickedness and strength. She considers her husband too soft or to kind to go through with it (Shakespeare 859). Another reference to the gender stereotypes is the dialogue that occurs right before Macbeth kills King Duncan. Watching her husband hesitate to go through with the plan, Lady Macbeth reacts by suggesting that he is not masculine enough. Apart from challenging his masculinity, she also questions his love for her. She then proceeds to asking him a series of rhetorical questions as an attempt to manipulate his actions. She asks whether he was drunk earlier on when he was entirely supportive of the plan (Shakespeare 863). She calls him a coward for not daring to do that which he said he would. Macbeth replies that he is only doing what is appropriate. Lady Macbeth retorts that he was more of a man when he was willing to kill the king. When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man (Shakespeare 864). She then makes a savage remark that she would rather dash out her bays brains than to break her word, had she sworn anything the way Macbeth did. Near the end of the scene, Macbeth alludes do his wifes masculinity by making a comment that she should only have male children, for her undaunted mettle (Shakespeare 857) would pass on to them. Yet as aggressive and brutal Lady Macbeth may appear, certain aspects of her character, certain comments indicate that she is not as brutal as she mess. When speaking to her husband about killing King Duncan, she tells him that she is unable to commit murder because he greatly resembles her father (Shakespeare 864). This tiny piece of information, which appears to be unimportant, is evidence that Lady Macbeth is not the ruthless creature she lets on to be. In addition to this, we see how Lady Machetes character begins to transform after the murder of King Duncan. After the regicide, Lady Machetes role is no longer as powerful and influential as it was in the first two acts. Her relationship with her husband slowly begins to degrade. When Macbeth plans on killing Banana, a character who he feels is a threat to his power, he tells her nothing (Shakespeare 870). Another example of the deterioration of their relationship is seen in the banquet scene. Macbeth sees the ghost of Banana and begins yelling at it to leave. Lady Macbeth, irritated by her husbands behavior, yells at him for making a scene in front of their guests (Shakespeare 877). Lady Macbeth slowly begins to break down and submerge into madness. Her sensitivity to the guilt turns into a great burden and eventually drives her insane. By the end of the play it overpowers her. In the last scene we see her, she has been reduced to this creature that sleepwalks, ranting on madly about horrifying images and recollections, apparently hallucinating. She yells about wanting to get rid of the spots of Dunces blood (Shakespeare 879). This is metaphorical to her desire to rid herself of the guilt she feels for her role in King Dunces murder. One can conclude that Lady Macbeth is certainly a classic Shakespearean female character. On one hand, powerful, ruthless, and dominant, yet on the other hand, displaying signs of weakness and sensitivity as her character diminishes. Apart from Lady Macbeth, another well-known Shakespearean contracted Is ten Tetra, villous Katherine. In ten play, seen Is Wally Known as an aggressively, nasty tempered woman; a shrew. She is well known in her town, Pad, for lashing out at anyone who angers her, and discharging her fury by nastily insulting and even striking he or she who dares enrage her. As the plot unfolds, we discover that Katherine is an especially intelligent, independent, and clever woman. She will not succumb to marry any of the dull-witted men who she usually has contact with. Though at first it may seem that Skates behavior is thus by nature, as e see more of her throughout the play, it is safe to assume that her behavior is a result of feeling unhappiness and discomfort at her environment. She despises the male-dominated, patriarchal society she is stuck in. She is also resentful and Jealous because her father, Baptists, always favors Bianca, her younger sister. Katherine hints this in various ways. When Baptists announces that Katherine must get married before her younger sister Bianca may, he is almost implying that Katherine is somewhat of a burden that he would like to get off his hands first. In response to this, Katherine asks if it is his intention is to make a fool out of her amongst Bananas suitors (Shakespeare 324). In addition to this, Katherine also shows displays her anger and Jealousy towards Bianca when she binds her hands and violently interrogates her to find out for which one of her suitors she is affectionate (Shakespeare 327). The issue of who was going to marry Katherine is resolved when Patriotic, a friend of one of Bananas suitors, comes to Pad in search of a wife (Shakespeare 330). At first, he is only attracted by Katherine dowry and quickly goes o meet her. Upon meeting him, Kate seemingly despises Patriotic. Their first meeting consists of an argument in which he calls her a wasp. Infuriated by his audacity, she strikes him. Patriotic simply replies that if she strikes him again, he will strike her back (Shakespeare 333). Following this meeting, Patriotic reports to Baptists that he was successful at wooing Katherine. Shocked by this, she responds by quickly contradicting him. Ignoring her, Patriotic announces that they have agreed to marry the following Sunday. Oddly, Katherine does not object (Shakespeare 336). It seems that Katherine, who was used to out-witting the unintelligent men who normally surround her, is intrigued by Buttercups clever responses. Patriotic then engages in a series of unusual methods to tame her. He arrives inebriated and late to the wedding. Then after marrying her, he tells her that he will now do with her what he wishes. He orders her to go to Verona before the feast. Then, upon getting to his home, he does not allow her to eat or sleep for days, saying that he would not have her eat his poor food or sleep in his inadequately made bed. However his treatment of her is not without reason. His intention is to make her see how preposterous her behavior was; to give her a taste of her own medicine. By the end of the play, Buttercups success at taming her is so effective, that she obeys him in practically everything he tells her to do. At the end of the play, she and Patriotic go back to Pad. The last impression she leaves on the reader is when she gives a speech about the devotion and loyalty a woman owes to her husband. Katherine is the typical of Shakespearean characters. Looking at her role in society superficially, it would seem as though she is the classic female of his era. She depends on the male characters for survival. Similar to Desman and her dependence first on her father, then on Othello for a home and survival in society, the way Katherine depends teen on near Tanner Ana Petroleum Is comparable. Yet Katherine Allays an array of unusual characteristics for a female of the Elizabethan period. It was not common to see a female abusing men as Katherine did. Not only her treatment of men, but a woman behaving the general way Katherine did, degrading anyone who she felt deserved it, with her cruel insults, and her nasty temper was absolutely shocking. In the eyes of a patriarchal society, the image of Katherine was not unlike the image left by Lady Macbeth. Although the two characters differ greatly, they are similar in various ways. At the beginning of the play, they are both fierce, dominant women. Yet at a certain point in the play, their dominance begins to diminish. For Lady Macbeth, this occurs after Macbeth kills Duncan and needs her no more. He kills and carries out other deeds by himself, without even informing her. Her guilt about murdering Duncan weakens her so much, that she commits suicide. In Taming of the Shrew, Katherine weakness is displayed when she demonstrates that she can be tamed. Patriotic is able to shape her behavior in the way he wishes. As mentioned above, her final speech evidences her transformation from a shrew to a compliant, obedient wife. Many factors may have influenced Shakespearean portrayal of his female characters. However the main influence was his frequent contact with Queen Elizabeth I and the pressure to please an unmarried female monarch and a patriarchal society simultaneously. However, despite them having a common weakness, Shakespearean most conspicuous female characters have one major aspect n common: they were women portrayed in a way that transcended the limiting roles which their society had assigned them.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Trade and Globalization and Gains of Free Trade Essay
Trade and Globalization and Gains of Free Trade - Essay Example The various inter-governmental organizations are not as much effectual, and international businesses and entities continue to define stipulations. Governments’ role in controlling trade is still enormous and many governments are increasingly accepting it as the norm rather than the exception (Tung and Henry, 2009). Debates in recent times center whether globalization is diminishing trade or increasing it. Questions have been raised about the state the traditional roles and national governments sovereignty play over trade, and the effects that these portend in promoting fairness or inequality among countries. Others have zeroed on the balance of trade and trade payments the less developed countries, the developing countries vis-a-vis the developed world, and the focus on the glaring policy intervention differences between the global north and the global south. This paper states at the outset that Meaning of the term globalization Whereas globalization has been touching on every aspect of society today, scholars and thinkers alike have not agreed on a universal single definition of the term. Instead, a number of definitions, conceptualizations, and perspectives exist depending on which lens one views the concept. Q1. The classical ‘gains from international trade proposition’ In Kemp’s world, the gains must be examined within the confluence of world tarries such that no country in the pedestal of globalization would be worse off than in the smaller customs union (Kemp, 1987). Kemp (1987) observes that the phenomenon of globalization has been extensively used in the world, specifically in admired discourses and policy issues. For him, globalization is a term that describes ways in which the world is progressively more interrelated, organized, and interdependent through a set of socially reinforced processes that is controlled by customs. These processes include among others, integration of markets, nation-states and technologies to a scal e that is aiding individuals, corporations and distinct governments to access and ‘navigate’ the world much more, more rapidly, much deeper an by less costly methods (Kemp and Wong, 1995). Kemp further characterizes the global economy and trade as that which is based on spread and networking of data and knowledge, and which is predominantly borrowing from technology to focus on what he calls â€Å"post-industrial and service-oriented†outlook. In addition, cultural and pure political meaning of globalization cannot be authoritatively affirmed without bringing in the aspect of trade and economy. Moreover, cultural and political meanings are now under blockade by global financial and hi-tech reorganization. Kemp thus speaks of a mode that is data centered as a prelude to development. This happens in two ways: Through universal financial links and information, tailored connections and that these are made possible due to hunger for trade. He proceeds to assert that t here is now a tendency to ‘renovate’ places and pressure to control restricted processes of cultural meanings of economies (Kemp, 1987). Q2. The classical GFITP and Proof provided by Grandmont and McFadden (1972). Grandmount and McFadden (1972) observe that businesses in globalization largely function at one of the four basic levels of globalization. The first level is what they call the ‘’multi-domestic’’ company.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Regression Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Regression Analysis - Essay Example Lastly, regression analysis will be performed on statistically significant pairs of variables and regression line equation(s) of best fit will be written. Using Excel’s Data Analysis-Sampling, random number for data for country was generated (Figure 1) and corresponding records were taken from population. Table 1 in appendix shows the sample for correlation and regression analysis. Figure 3 shows the scatterplot of the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles. The relationship between the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles appears to be moderate (correlation, r = 0.556). Table 2 shows the correlation matrix for variables GNP per head, Cars per head and number of Commercial vehicles. The correlation for ‘the GNP per head and the cars per head’ and ‘the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles’ is significant at level of significance, ÃŽ ± = .01. Since, the correlation for GNP per head with the cars per head and the number of commercial vehicles is significant; therefore, there is strong possibility that GNP per head can be used to predict the cars per head and the number of commercial vehicles in any country. Table 3 shows the regression analysis output for the GNP per head and the cars per head using Excel. The higher value of F statistic suggests that regression is significant. GNP per head explains about 80% of variation in the cars per head. GNP per head (US $) significantly predict the cars per head, Î ² = 0.00005, t(28) = 10.54, p The slope of the regression equation suggest that each US $ increase in GNP per head adds an average of 0.00005 cars per head. The intercept is not meaningful as zero GNP per head implies negative value for the cars per head that is not possible. The regression equation can be used for predicting the cars per head of any developing
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Essay 3 Carl Jung Essay Example for Free
Essay 3 Carl Jung Essay This essay will investigate and outline Carl Jung’s theory of personality types, by detailing each types and how they can shape a person. It will look at the origins and characteristics of the attitudes and functions and show how this can be linked to psychological disturbance. This essay will look at theorists that are for and against the approach in order to come to a conclusion of how either successful or unsuccessful they are to help a client reach there own personal goals. It is important to note that Carl Jung worked very closely with Sigmund Freud in the early stage of his research, and was highly influenced by his companions work, however, both theorists were very different in their thoughts of therapist theory. Freud was concerned with the clients past, whereas Jung’s work was aimed at looking into the clients future. Freud also believed that human motivation was focused on human sexuality, whereas Jung was believed that motivation is caused by psychic energy. Even though Freud did extensive work on the subconscious, Jung believed that there was a deeper level to the unconscious then Freud, he called this the ‘collective unconscious’. ‘Jung agreed with Freud that a person’s past and childhood experiences determined future behavior; he also believed that we are shaped by our future (aspirations) too’. (http://www. simplypsychology. org/carl- jung. html; 06. 10. 2014) Jung’s idea of the ‘collective unconscious’ can be seen as a collection of unconscious thoughts amongst individuals that ultimately will not be conscious, as the thoughts have not yet been experienced by the individual. Jung believed that peoples experiences and behaviors are shaped by this. Jung called the units of the collective unconscious ‘archetypes’ which he described as peoples untaught tendencies to experience things differently. Jung speculated that as we go through life we do so by going through a sequence of stages caused by a set of ‘archetypal imperatives’ that are shaped by behavior and personality. For example, each individual’s personality is made up of the ‘persona’. The persona is the mask that people wear in order to face the worlds social standards that make us act in a certain way. Jung identified that the persona is developed in childhood when a child is learning to conform to parental approval. Jung said that individuals that believe their mask to be real might not really know whom or what there true self is, and can cause mental illnesses if not identified. Jung described the ‘shadow’ archetype as the element that helps an individual from forgetting their true self and even though a shadow can be seen as representing a dark side to the personality that maybe unwanted or disapproved by the individual it is this that controls the ‘ego’ and the ‘persona’. ‘The archetype is a symbolic formula which always begins to function when there are no conscious ideas present, or when conscious ideas are inhibited for external or internal reasons’ (C. G. Jung; 1960;Volume Six, Psychological Types; Routledge; Page 377) Jung saw the ‘self’ as an archetype of an individuals whole personality and described this as an individual living to their full potential. He believed that wholeness is the most important aim in life and is only achieved by a person’s individualism and the realisation that they are unique. This discovery of ones self-realisation is a process that is when an individual looks inside themselves and finally see the world through a better vision. Jung’s research gave him reason to believe that an individual’s personality changes and develops throughout their life, with an influx of social influences. Jung’s theory of ‘personality types’ is based on the concept that people are motivated by their future goals, with an aim to develop themselves in their future life. Jung based his personality types on many other theorists who also researched this area. He specifically based his research on the way that individuals approach reality, and that persons type is the basis on how each individual has learned to communicate. He based each ‘personality type’ into four letters, each of which represented two conflicting behaviour choices. The combination of these letters amounts to sixteen personality types. The first letter represents people’s attitude in regards to how they see themselves and the external environment around them. The first letter can either begin with and ‘E’ for ‘Extrovert’, or ‘I’ for ‘Introvert’. Jung believed that ‘Extroverts’ aim their attention and interests outwards into society in a belief that the people around them recognise and respond to the individual’s life. They need interaction with other in order to fulfil their external expectations. Jung discovered that if the individual’s personality is too extroverted then the individual might fail to play up to what society requires from them and fail to identify their own needs if their ‘extroverted’ behaviour is not recognised by others. If you take an extravert you will find his unconscious has an introverted quality, because all the extraverted qualities are played out in his consciousness and the introverted are left in the unconscious. (Jung in McGuire Hull, 1977, p. 342) Jung’s research on ‘Introverts’ show a totally different view on a person’s personality and how they view and relate to social expectations. An ‘introvert’ holds social standards and expectations inwards, and believe their own points of view and general thoughts describe what societies expectations mean to them. In other words, ‘Introverts’ give value to there own viewpoint. When an ‘introvert’ individual is in a social situation they do so by interacting on their own terms and therefore can sometimes become unable to communicate their own opinions and views with others. ‘Inferior introverted feeling typically manifests in a conscious attitude that is more or less impersonal. That is why this type may come across as cold and unfriendly; they are simply more interested in the facts than in what effect their attitude may have on others’ (Sharpe, Daryl; 19987; Personality Types – Jungs model of Typology; Inner City Books; Page 48). The next two letters in Jung’s personality types represent two functions that individuals use in their everyday life. One is the ‘perceiving’ function and the other is the ‘judging’ function. The ‘perceiving’ function in the letters is shown as the letter ‘S’ for sensation, and the other is the letter ‘N’ for Intuition. The ‘perceiving’ element is when we encounter new experiences that are unforeseeable, in other words, new situations. The ‘S’ or ‘N’ indicate how a person chooses to take in and respond to this information. The ‘Sensation’ type will accumulate information by centering their interests on what if directly in front of them. This ‘direct’ focus means this type can respond by awareness of facts and appearances. They draw their attention to the environment that is directly around them draw sensations from these. Jung said that the ‘S’ type could relate their immediate experiences to events that have occurred in the past; they tend to be very observant individuals who are influenced by information from their senses in their environment. Jung thought that these individuals can sometimes reply too deeply on life’s immediate and materiality. ‘Sensation is an irregular function, because it is orientated not by a logical process of judgment but simply by what is and what happens, whereas the extraverted sensation type is guided by the intensity of objective influences’. (Sharpe, Daryl; 19987; Personality Types – Jungs model of Typology; Inner City Books; Page 79) The ‘N’ type uses new information my evaluating all their thoughts possible. They have a huge imagination that chooses to ignore the materialistic surface of aspects of live, but focus on the ‘bigger picture’. The ‘Intuitive’ will try and find the meaning and future possibilities and not focus on details and factual information as the ‘S’ type would. The can sometimes be so engaged in the meaning that they can oversee the present situation. This type takes new information by looking into the future and what the outcomes may represent to themselves and their lives. They don’t necessarily see what it is, but rather what it may be. This type is very imaginative and is always dreaming about the future and how to push for change. This type can easily jump to conclusions and make rash decision, and can even be said to confuse fact with reason. ‘Sensation and intuition are the information-gathering (perceiving) functions. They describe how new information is understood and interpreted. Individuals who prefer the sensation function are more likely to trust information that is in the present, tangible and concrete: that is, information that can be understood by the five senses. They tend to distrust hunches, which seem to come â€Å"out of nowhere. ’ (Myers, Isabel Briggs with Peter B. Myers (1980, 1995). Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing. Page 45) Jungs’s next set of letter represent how we judge. The letter ‘T’ for ‘Thinking’ and the letter ‘F’ for ‘Feeling’. The judging use is how individuals observe and organize their lives behavior. These letter look at how individuals relate to their social surroundings before they act upon them. The ‘Thinker’ is a type that will use new information in a logical manner, and may tend to be a rule follower that follows social standards. These are the types that have to follow a set order and will categorise information. These types relate with their world with a clear picture as to what ‘will’ happen. They can over analyse that can sometimes distort the truth of the situation. Jung described ‘Feelers’ as individuals that organise information that is new to them on a personal level. They do this by organising their behaviour to a personal way that shares their morals that can be identified with other individuals. ‘Feelers’ have a tendency to make their judgements based on their feelings that is important to the individual; they make their judgements known to others around them and give rise to others responses that form part of their ‘external environment’. It is this personality type that prefers to create their reality with a general consensus with the interaction of others around them. This can sometimes make them reply too much on their feelings and make them dependant on the way they display themselves socially, causing the main aim to be socially accepted and not actually giving themselves any personal satisfaction. ‘Thinking and feeling are the decision-making (judging) functions. The thinking and feeling functions are both used to make rational decisions, based on the data received from their information-gathering functions (sensing or intuition). Those who prefer the thinking function tend to decide things from a more detached standpoint, measuring the decision by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent and matching a given set of rules. Those who prefer the feeling function tend to come to decisions byassociating or empathizing with the situation, looking at it â€Å"from the inside†and weighing the situation to achieve, on balance, the greatest harmony, consensus and fit, considering the needs of the people involved. ’ (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Personality_type#cite_note-Myers-15; 10. 10. 2014) The forth letter of Jung’s personality type is what indicates the external factors of everyday life function. The letter ‘P’ represents ‘Perceiving’ and the letter ‘J’ represents ‘Judging’. Jung believed perceivers to be individuals that are more likely to rely on their intuition and their experiences as they happen. This is the kind of type that tends to ‘live in the now’ and are totally aware of situations that need a response in an immediate fashion. They are the type that is against a situation where they need to follow set plans and organizations for events. Sensory P types are the sort of personality that are likely to interact physically with the environment around them, which is the opposite of ‘P’ types who see what in front of them and try and make sense of what is means, or in other wise examine situations to understand what the big picture may be. ‘Perceiving simply what is sensation see’s what is sensation sees what is in the external world, intuition sees (or what we might say â€Å"pick ups†) what is in the inner world’. (Sharpe, Daryl; 19987; Personality Types – Jungs model of Typology; Inner City Books; Page 16) Jung thought ‘Judgers’ to be individuals that rely on rational thinking. This personality type is more than likely to organise for plans and activities and believe that they can predict what is likely to happen in such events. However, if this type is found to be in a situation that is totally unpredictable than it more than like to cause them discomfort and even become quite irritable as they are not prepared for the event and do not have a set structure to follow. Thinking ‘J’ types relate to the standards that society has created by logically thinking and analysing in regard sot cause and effect. Feeling ‘J’ types are aware of values that they share with others and therefore look at information in a personal way in regards to social relationships. ‘Judging and Perceiving preferences, within the context of personality types, refers to our attitude towards the external world, and how we live our lives on a day-to-day basis. People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. Judgers want things settled, Perceivers want thing open-ended. Judging and Perceiving preferences, within the context of personality types, refers to our attitude towards the external world, and how we live our lives on a day-to-day basis. People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. Judgers want things settled, Perceivers want thing open-ended. (https://www. personalitypage. com/four-prefs. html#JP; 09. 10. 2104) The forth letter of Jung’s personality type theory represents an individuals higher function that relates to how they interact with the world. It conveys an extrovert function that helps set goals and what helps this type to blend in with society. This forth letter shows how our ‘inferior’ function is formed to use our inner reflection on how we interpret life experiences relative to our own self needs. Jung believed that the ‘P’ type extrovert uses there judging function for their inner thoughts. The thinking ‘P’ type inwardly looks at an image of all relationships in a logical way, like a systematic approach. The feeling ‘P’ type sense their own thoughts and values on their choices or intuition, however this can be somewhat difficult for type and they may find it difficult to convey or express directly. ‘J’ type personalities who are extrovert in regard sot their judging function implement their perceiving function for their inner (introvert) reflections. ‘Sensation’ ‘J’ types hold their information of the physical external environment, mostly if this information is appealing to them on a personal level. The intuitive ‘J’ type will relate to the meaning of this new information. From the investigation of Jungs ‘Personality type’ theory I can see that by knowing a clients personality type can prove a useful tool in relation to helping the client map out their future goals. When a clients comes in the therapy it is usually for a reason, and they will tell you what is happening in their ‘present’ situation. The Jungarian styles it would appear that the clients would tell their life story, once the therapist understands the client’s point of view they can then help the client understand what issues they are impending. Once this has been established then the client and the counselor can then start to move forward to their journey to make goals and implement them. Goals act as a good basis for the therapist and client to see how the counseling is progressing. By understanding what personality type the client is the therapist can then relate to the clients issues and offer solutions. It is also very useful to ensure that at the beginning of therapy that the therapist determines what the clients expectations are of therapy, and find out what their beliefs and values are and what there views are on their present situation. Once this is determined then the therapist can then see what the client wants to achieve and then help them move on to the level that they can. Carl Jungs research into personality types can offer an understanding for the therapist to see a clients sense of self. With that information the therapist can then set out goals that are achievable for the client to do as they wish in the future. An aspect that is not looked at is the ‘emotional’ aspect towards situations. A theorist called Hans Eysenck also looked into the theory of ‘extroverts’ and ‘introverts. He concluded that an extrovert is someone who has a strong inhibition that and they can react to situations calmly. ‘Introverts’ can be self-conscious and because of this trait become more alert and maybe edgy in some situations. Eysenck discovered it was important to look at the interaction of emotions with ‘extroverts’ and ‘introverts’ when helping individuals. ‘British psychologist Hans Eysenck developed a model of personality based upon just three universal trails: Introversion/Extraversion, Neuroticism/Emotional Stability and Psychoticism’ (http://psychology. about. com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/trait- theory. htm; 10. 10. 2014) I can see that understanding personality types is just one aspect or guideline for a therapist to use in helping their client set and achieve goals. It is down to the therapist they decide that this is useful with the client they are presented with or not.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome I Essay -- Crib Death SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is a traumatic and tragic disease that affects thousands of babies throughout the world every year. There is no way of explaining the death of a child that has SIDS and there are no real ways of predicting if it could happen to any baby. What makes SIDS even worse is that the source of what exactly may be the cause of it is still unknown. Advanced research in the last 30 years has dramatically reduced the number of deaths. SIDS not only affects the infants but also the families of the infant and it proves to be a very tough and emotional experience for them. So what exactly is SIDS? The term SIDS was finally defined in 1969 as the sudden death of an infant or child, which is unexpected by history and in which a through post-mortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause of death (Culbertson 3). Basically this is another way of saying that it is not known why these babies die. SIDS is not a new disease contrary to what some people might believe, but it has been happening throughout time, unexplained deaths of babies are even recorded in the bible. SIDS was probably the most neglected disease ever recorded in history of man. It wasn't until recently that major steps were taken to figure out why babies were dying so unexpectedly and what could we do to prevent it from happening. So what exactly causes SIDS and is there anything we can do to prevent it? Well as of right now, the cause of SIDS is unknown. We do not know what causes SIDS and there are no consistent warning signs that might alert us to the risk of it. However, scientists and researchers have discovered many things that might attribute to the causes of SIDS. SIDS almost always occurs at night when the infant is sleeping. A higher incidence of SIDS is seen among premature and low birth weight children. Women who smoke and let their children be exposed to smoke give their children a higher risk of SIDS. Low birth rates among children have a higher chance of getting SIDS. Finally there is a much higher rate of SIDS when infants are placed on their stomach to sleep.(Culbertson, 8-10) One of the biggest recommendations physicians make to new parents today is to let their babies sleep on their back. Putting them on their back greatly decreases the risk of SIDS to their children. These are just some of the things that have been... ...2). Everything we know, all the information that is produced and published is all just a theory because we don't even know what happened and what caused the death. So where do we go from here? What can be done to stop this terrible disease? Who knows. All we can do is sit back and hope someone's 'theory'; is the right one and be thankful that this disease only affects 1-3 infants per thousand born. There are so many questions but not nearly enough answers and until that day we can only do what the experts tell us to do and hopefully the SIDS disease will almost become non-existent. Culbertson, Krous, Bendell, ed. 1988 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Medical Aspects and Psychological Management. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press Bergman, Abraham B. M.D. 1986 The 'Discovery'; of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Lessons in the Practice of Political Medicine. New York: Praeger Publishers Guntheroth, Warren G. M.D. 1989 CRIB DEATH : The Sudden Infant Syndrome Death Second Revised Edition Mount Kisco, New York Futura Publishing Company. Injury Prevention Committee, Canadian Pedrictric Society. Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death. Journal of Pedriactics and Child Death
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Emerald City
Most people are pursuing a dream. The â€Å"American Dream†is the ideal of freedom and opportunity of achieving success and wealth; the belief that every individual can rise from rags to riches with a little grit, imagination and hard work. A dream could just as well be about personal fulfilment. We might not even need the success and glamour if we meet these personal dreams. Nevertheless we pursue opportunities in desire and expectation of living a better life, a life more glamorous and prosperous than our present. In Emerald City by Jennifer Egan, the main character Rory, an ambitious guy from Chicago, is seeking the â€Å"American Dream†.He has moved to New York in hope of reaching the glitter and success he expects the city to offer. Rory has built up expectations and ideas about New York through reading novels and envisioned the glamorous New York life he might be living even before arriving in the big city. In the beginning of the story Rory appears rather vain a nd irrational. He strives towards fitting into his own idea of the New York jet set, therefore he changes his behaviour: â€Å"†¦But no matter how much Rory ate, he stayed exactly the same. He took up smoking instead, although it burned his throat†1.He is pretending to be someone he is not, believing this change of behaviour will make him successful – â€Å"Fake it till you make it†. To emphasize this, Egan uses the Elmer’s glue as a catalyst to get Rory to reflect on his artificial life: the glue might look more appealing, but it is useless and fake as milk2. In the same manner Rory is misusing himself – he is not true to himself. â€Å"Rory had found this disturbing in a way he still didn’t quite understand†3. On a subconscious level he might be aware of this. Yet, it is not until the end of the story Rory realizes this.As one of the world’s largest cities New York, â€Å"The Big Apple†, is the epitome of a metrop olitan, emanating glory, greatness, opportunities as well as temptations. The immensity and diversity of the city makes the individual seem insignificant. Consequently you tend to get lost in the sea of people, feeling unimportant. New York represents today’s civilization of people trying to fit in. Like Rory and Stacey, everybody is reflecting themselves in other people in hope of being recognized and acknowledged. In addition the role of New York has a great importanceregarding the relationship between Rory and Stacey. â€Å"And it struck him that this was New York: a place that glittered from a distance even when you reached it†4. In this sudden revelation Rory realizes that New York always will be full of temptations and achievable success, and he understands that Stacey for him is the true glittering matter, he has been searching for. â€Å"He searched the dark shopfronts for something, some final thing at the core of everything else, but he found just his own re flection and Stacey’s†5. The relationship between Rory and Stacey seems to be the only deep matter in the story.Rory has the option of choosing one of the successful models. Nevertheless, he chooses Stacey: â€Å"†¦a failing model whom he adored against all reason†6. The narrator is a third-person narrator limited to Rory. As a reader you are not acquainted with Stacey’s feelings for Rory. It is implied that Stacey and Rory do not prioritize getting to know each other deeply. They are both too busy in their search of fulfilling their individual dreams. Yet, this changes in the end where Stacey realizes and accepts that her dream in New York presumably never will come true.Rory believed he had the power to crush Stacey by telling her she was not good enough succeeding as a model: â€Å"†¦ it would take so little, he thought, to crush her†7. But when he tells her this in the end she reveals an inner strength and ability to see new possibilit ies: â€Å"Rory held his breath, watching in alarmed amazement as the slender wand of her body swayed against the yellow sky. She had no trouble balancing [†¦] â€Å"If it doesn’t work†, she said, â€Å"then I’ll see the world some other way†8. Stacey is letting go of her dream, and she is able to see the world from a different angle.She may not know what will happen, but for the first time in the story she is showing heartfelt affection towards Rory: â€Å"She took Rory’s face in her hands and kissed him on the mouth – hard, with the fierce, tender urgency of someone about to board a train†9. This tells the reader that she does have feelings for Rory after all. The title â€Å"Emerald city†could be interpreted in several ways. The reflections in an emerald could represent how the people in New York are mirroring themselves in their unattainable conceptions of what it is like to be successful. That everybody is trying to be someone else, someone more successful.The title could moreover relate to the famous children’s novel â€Å"The wonderful wizard of Oz†, where everyone who enters the beautiful capital â€Å"Emerald City†has to wear green-tinted eyeglasses in order to protect themselves from the glory of the city. The city is not a special city, but the glasses make the city look green, although the city is no greener than every other city. Emerald City would in this allegory be New York, and clarify that New York is like any other big city. This would additionally explain why Rory disappointingly does not feel more successful than other people in New York.In â€Å"Emerald City†Rory and Stacey are pursuing their dreams of making it in New York. It is not until the end they realize that their hopes of succeeding is insignificant, as their dreams of a better life in fact are personal needs of acknowledgement and love. We are taught to believe that being successful will make us feel happier – that is what today’s society tells us. We rarely consider what could happen if our hopes of being successful do not live up to our expectations, if our life of chasing success does not make us happy or if being successful does not make us feel any more special.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Crime Essay
â€Å"Drugs and Alcohol abuse†, are phrases we hear commonly on the radio, television or in discussions of social problems. People believe it is the user’s personal choice however; it is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects individuals’ life but is a major social problem that affects society as whole. It has become one of the biggest problems in United States today. Alcohol or Drug abuse nearly automatically is linked with criminal acts. The statistical association between alcohol or drug abuse with crime seems to be convincing when examined at the first glance; however, it is not possible to make a conclusion concerning a distinct cause and effect association between the two aspects. Accordingly, this paper will examine†¦show more content†¦According to the data from U.S. Department of transportation, about 1.5 million drunk drivers are arrested every year. In response to an annual national survey conducted by the Bureau of Justic e, in which the sample was offenders serving jail terms for various crimes committed; 36% of the offenders indicated that they committed their crimes under the influence of alcohol or drug ( This percentage accounts for nearly one million of convictions carried out yearly. However, there are some variations in substance abuse among state and federal offenders. A lot of people link drug abuse with crime, at times even with violent crime. This association comes from psychopharmacological association that imply that people may engage in criminal acts after taking some kind of substance known to undermine their judgment as well as self-control result in paranoid thoughts and distortion of inhibitions (Sewell, Poling and Sofuoglu, 189). Though all substances that affect the central nervous system might result in this kind of relationships, scientific information indicates that some type of drugs have a more strong effect than others. Such drugs are alcohol, cocaine, phencyclidine and amphetamines (McCauley, Ruggiero, Resnick and Kilpatrick, 136). Inversely, cannabis and heroin are less associated with desire to commitShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Crime2406 Words  | 10 PagesSCH150. 6782 LaGuardia Community College Paper #2: The Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Crime December 11, 2012 Do you know someone who has done drugs? Well of course you do, we all do. Drugs are defined as â€Å"a substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body†, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Researchers are focusing their attention on the aspect of drug addiction and drug abuse. 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